X:41,471732 Y:38,415425 Z:893.42

The mill is located on the east bank of Sason Stream, 270m north of Kınalı (Ağde) village in Sason district of Batman province. Kınalı Village is located 10 km northeast of Sason district.

There has been a lot of destruction in the mill structure and only a few remnants remain today. It was probably demolished during the construction of the road that passes right next to the mill. Today, only part of the water arc and the water tower remain. When the ruins of the mill are examined, rubble stone and cas mortar were used as construction materials. The mouth of the water arc opening to the water tower is rectangular and the body of the water tower is elliptical. It is understood that the water arc and the water tower have been repaired recently. The mill structure is not in use today.