X:41,088989 Y:37,744669 Z:616,738
The water collection reservoir is located in the area called “Serê Bermê” within the borders of Arık (Dera Ser) hamlet of Bağözü village of Gercüş district of Batman province. Bağözü village is located 81 km south of Batman city center and 22 km southwest of Gercüş district centre.
The entrance to the water collection reservoir, whose entrance faces southwest, is provided by 4 steps. The water reservoir, which has an irregular rectangular plan, measures 3.90 m in the east-west direction, 7.00 m in the north-south direction and is 2.60 m high. The upper cover of the chamber has largely collapsed and is partially preserved. There is natural and human destruction in the water reservoir that is not in use today. In the south of the water collection reservoir, there are water channels that carry the water to the reservoir.