X: 41.438835 Y: 38.218784 Z: 985.06
The residence is located within the borders of Geyikli (Mangic) village of Kozluk district of Batman province. Geyikli village is located 5.6 km northwest of Kozluk district.
The 4-storey house was placed on an uneven ground and the north of the house was built on the bedrock. The first floor is used as a barn and its entrance is on the west. The barn consists of four rooms and these rooms have a square plan. There are crenellated windows in the south of the rooms.
The entrance of the 2nd floor was located in the west and was later closed. This floor consists of three rooms and a hall. The hall is higher than the rooms and has a square plan. The room in the south of the hall has a rectangular plan and there are niches in the north and window openings in the south. These windows are double-winged. Under the window, there is a rectangular bench, which is the characteristic feature of kozluk houses. The bench is left empty and used as a grain storage place. There are shelves made of "cas" enough to cover the whole of the south wall and part of the east and west walls.
The 3rd floor consists of three rooms and a hall. Although there are two entrances in the east and west, these doors are rectangular in form with a lintel and the door in the east has been closed today. The western entrance opens into a hall and this hall has a rectangular plan. There is a wooden staircase in the north-west of the hall, and this staircase leads to the 4th floor (terrace). There is a rectangular planned room in the south of the hall, this room is accessed through a rectangular door. There are two window openings in the south of this room. Of the rooms in the east of the hall, the north is used as the kitchen, and the room in the south has a square plan. There are two window openings in the south. There is a rectangular storage niche in the north.
The 4th floor is used as a terrace and consists of three parts. The transition to the terrace is accessed by a wooden staircase from the hall of the third floor. To the south of these sections, the wall was not built and left open. A hearth niche is located on the north wall of the second section, and small niches are located on the east and west walls. The house was built with a flat roof with beams as a top cover, and generally cut stone, rubble stone and cas were used in the house. Some rooms and walls of the house have been repaired in accordance with the present.