X:41,384446 Y:38,384814 Z:1357

The residence is located in the village of Gurgenli, in the Sason district of Batman province, in the hamlet of Buluca. The collective hamlet is located 6.5km northwest of the town of Sason.

The building, which was placed on a sloping land with the masonry stone wall technique, was built with a rectangular plan and three floors. The building, in which cut stone, rubble stone, wooden beam, earth and cas mortar was used, is supported by wooden beams and covered with a flat earthen roof.

The ground floor was used as a barn, barn and barn, while the upper floors were used as living spaces. The ground floor, whose entrance is on the east side, consists of three parts, and the second floor consists of three spaces opening to the hall and the hall. The third floor consists of a rectangular planned hall and two spaces. The spaces used as living spaces have a rectangular plan and there are window openings, cabinet and shelf niches on the interior facades, and a stove niche in the kitchen section. Today, it is used as a residential warehouse, the interior of which is largely destroyed.