X: 41.460784 Y: 37.543931 Z: 1061
Yamanlar village, which is within the borders of Gercüş district of Batman province, is located 49 km southeast of Batman center and 7 km southeast of Gercüş district center.
The residence is located in the center of the village of Yamanlar. The building, which is placed on masonry stone, leaning to the west on a sloping land, has a single storey and a single room. The north-south oriented rectangular building has a barrel vault and a flat earthen roof (Picture 1). (Picture 2) The entrance door of the building, whose entrance is in the south direction, has a stone lintel from the outside and a round arch from the inside. There are rectangular window openings on the eastern façade of the space covered with a barrel vault (Picture 3). Rubble stone and cas mortar were used in the building, which is used as a haystack today.