X : 41.685802 Y : 37.656657 Z : 882,782
The residence is located in the center of Yemişli (Botika) village, which is within the borders of Gercüş district of Batman province. Yemişli village is located 87km southeast of Batman city center and 40km northeast of Gercüş district center.
The residence, which is placed on the bedrock, consists of 2 floors. The lower floor is used as a storage area and the upper floor is used as a living area. The lower floor consists of 2 spaces. Room 1 has an east-west extension and has a vaulted top cover. The eastern wall of the place was formed from the main rock, and the other walls were built of smooth and irregular stones. Access to room 2 is provided through a rectangular door with round arches. The eastern, western and northern walls of this square-shaped place were built entirely of bedrock, while the southern wall was built of smooth and irregular cut stones.
Access to the 2nd floor is provided by a platform built on the bedrock. The entrance to the upper floor is provided by a rectangular entrance with round arches. The 2nd floor consists of 1 hall and 2 rooms. The building, which has an east-west extension, is divided into rooms with storage sections made of mudbrick. The eastern and northern rooms of room 1, which has a square plan, were formed by smoothing the bedrock, and the south wall was built of smooth and irregular stones. The second room, located on the west of the hall, is accessed through a rectangular wooden door located in the middle of the storage areas. This room, which has a square plan, has niches and window openings in different sizes and for different uses. In the interior of the house, cas plaster and mudbrick plaster were used in places. The upper cover of the building was built as a vault from the inside and a flat roof from the outside. Smooth and irregular stones and cas mortar were used in the construction of the house.