X: 41.163120 Y: 37.757579 Z: 503.85
Abuzer Gaffari Turbeh is located in Serkevir Valley, which is within the borders of Salkımlı hamlet of Çayüstü village of Batman city center. Çayüstü village is located 22km southeast of Batman city center.
The tomb extends in the north-south direction and was built in two parts. The northern part is used as a masjid. There is a mihrab niche on the south wall of the masjid, whose entrance is in the north. There is a tomb structure in the section to the south. The dimensions of the tomb are approximately 6.00x4.00 m in size and it has a rectangular plan close to square. The interior of the building is plastered with concrete. The upper cover of the building, in which cut stone and rubble stone were used, was completely destroyed. Two old graves were found just to the east of the tomb. On the walls are the horns of sacrificed animals. This shows that the area is also a frequent destination for people who make vows.