X:41.413146 Y:38,195017 Z:868.43
Şeyh Abdullah Tomb is located in Gündüzlü (MezerXalık) village of Kozluk district of Batman province. Gündüzlü village is located 6.73 km west of Kozluk center, and Şeyh Abdullah Tomb is located approximately 3 km north of Gündüzlü village.
The tomb consists of a rectangular plan, a single dome and a single space. Today, the cemetery section and the masjid section are separated from each other by a wooden screen. There are 4 wooden cist graves in the tomb section. The mausoleum shows modern period workmanship and no remains belonging to the old period remain. The area where the tomb is located is surrounded by a modern enclosing wall, and there are modern tombs and tombs with tombstones written in Arabic in its garden.