X:41,089831 Y:37,749270 Z:599.98

The illustrated rock shelter is located in the Arık (Dera Ser) hamlet of Bağözü village, in the Gercüş district of Batman province, in a location called Berha cemika. Bağözü village is located 81 km south of Batman city center and 22 km southwest of Gercüş district centre.

The depictions were carved into a rock shelter naturally formed in the limestone rock, in a north-south direction, 3.50m high, 5.00m deep and 15.00m wide. The processed figures and motifs are arranged in a stylized manner. These figures and motifs have been destroyed by redrawing with stones and chalk today. Among the figures and motifs processed, there are mountain goat, snake, human and geometric motifs. These figures and motifs were heavily embroidered on the southeastern wall of the rock shelter. These motifs and figures in the natural rock shelter are in danger of being lost due to the peeling of the crust of the main rock.