X: 41,240369 Y: 38,231700 Z: 648.53

Hallan Çemi Höyük is located within the borders of Kaletepe (Dahlıkê) village of Kozluk district of Batman province. The mound is located on the western shore of the Batman Dam lake area, 1.5 km south of Kaletepe village. Kaletepe village is located 22.74 km northwest of Kozluk center.

Hallan Çemi Höyük was discovered in 1990 during the surveys conducted by M. Rosenberg and H. Togul, as it will remain within the lake area. During the examinations carried out in the region, chipped stone tools and decorated stone vessels were found. Thereupon, four seasons of excavations were carried out in 1990-94 by the University of Delawere in the USA, ODTÜ TEKDAM (Lower Fırat Antiquities Rescue and Evaluation Research Center) and Diyarbakır Museum under the direction of Rosenberg. As a result of the excavations and radiocarbon analyses, it is understood that Hallan Çemi was inhabited from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Age (PPN), in other words, from the 11th millennium BC.

Today, the mound is completely submerged due to the rise of the Batman dam water in certain periods. On the borders of the mound, which was exposed during the periods when the water receded, pests, grinding stones, stone vessel fragments, whetstones, bone tools and bone amulets are revealed on the surface.