X:41.264695 Y:37.732216 Z: 527.65
Kumluca (Mirdese) village is located 21.45 km southeast of Batman city center and 13.39 km northwest of Hasankeyf town centre. During the studies, more than one rock dwelling was found, however; four rock dwellings, whose dimensions are known and preserved until today, were examined.
The rock house no. 1 has a rectangular plan close to the square. There are four arched niches on the interior walls of the house whose entrance is located in the south part.
Today it is used as a barn.
The rock house number 2, which is used as a warehouse today, has a rectangular plan in the north-south direction, has a single space and its entrance is located on the east side.
The rock house number 3, which is used as a barn today, was arranged as a rectangular plan and a single space.
The rock house number 4, which is used as a barn today, was arranged as a rectangular and complex structure.