X:41.473373 Y:37.708094 Z: 547.59
Üçyol (Difne) village is located within the borders of Hasankeyf district of Batman province. 13 rock dwellings were identified in the rocky area to the west of the village, 4.75 km southeast of Hasankeyf district center.
Rock residences are divided into two groups as single-spaced and complex-spaced residences. The houses were destroyed and used as animal shelters in the following periods. There are niches on the walls of the houses for storing goods, and there are ventilation chimneys in some houses. The rock dwellings show square and rectangular plan features and the entrances of some dwellings are arched. Complex rock dwellings are divided into spaces by a partition carved into the bedrock. Rock dwellings have lost their functions today and are in danger of extinction.