X: 41.529018 Y: 37.823278 Z:523
The church is located in Hanlı village of Beşiri district of Batman province. Hanlı village is located 37 km by bird flight from Batman city center and 23.31 km southeast of Beşiri town centre.
Since buildings adjacent to the church were built in the north, south and west of the church, which is largely destroyed today, its borders could not be determined exactly. Based on the ruins, the narthex, naos and apse parts of the church were identified. The upper cover of the naos area was completely destroyed, but based on the pendentives found in the northeast, southeast and southwest corners of the naos, it is thought that this area is domed from the inside. The apse in the east is accessed through a pointed arched opening. The apse section has a square plan of 4.20x4.20m and was built 0.90m above the naos area. The apse, which does not protrude outward, is in the form of a semicircle. There are small niches on the south and north walls of the apse.
In its construction, cut stone, rubble stone and cas mortar were used. It is thought that the mudbrick material found in the building was added with the repairs made later.