X:41.396066 Y:38.445554 Z:1.337.28
Kistağ church is located in Yaglica (Kistag) hamlet of Dörtbölük (Cemelan) village of Sason district of Batman province. Dortbölük village is located 95km northeast of Batman city center and 30km north of Sason county centre.
The church is placed on a rectangular area measuring 4.70 m in the north-south direction and 9.60 m in the east-west direction. The entrance of the church, which has a single nave, is on the west. The entrance door, located high from the ground, has a round arch and rectangular form. The cradle-vaulted church could not be examined because it is used as a barn today. Cut stone, rubble stone and cas mortar were used in the construction of the destroyed church. Today, there are places used as barns built adjacent to the church to the east and south of the church, which is covered with a roof made of modern workmanship.