X:41,554841 Y:38,450577 Z:1.319.88

The mill is located in the Elagöz hamlet of Sarıyayla village in the Sason district of Batman province. Sarıyayla village is located 100km from Batman city center, 34km northeast of Sason town center, and Elagöz hamlet is located 5km northwest of Sarıyayla village.

The upper cover, south façade and eastern façade of the mill, which is still in use today, have been demolished and today these façades are covered with tarpaulin and the upper cover with wooden beam. The entrance of the mill, which consists of a grinding space, a water tower and a water arc, faces north and the dimensions of the entrance could not be taken due to the destruction.

The grinding area has a rectangular plan. There is a grinding area and grinding stone in the middle of the room. The grinding stone has an oval plan. There is an oval shaped water tower to the west of the grinding area. The inside and outside of the tower are plastered with concrete. Water is carried to the water tower from the water arc in the west. The water arc consists of two reinforced concrete pipes. Cut stone and rubble stone were used as construction materials in the mill, which is exposed to great destruction today.