X:41,232561 Y:38,367691 Z:719.91

The mill is located 300 m southwest of the Ordu hamlet of Çağlı (Helis) village, which is within the borders of Sason district of Batman province. Çağlı village is located 76 km northeast of Batman city center and 34 km northwest of Sason town centre.

The mill consists of a grinding chamber, a water tower and a water arc. The upper cover of the grinding room of the mill has been completely destroyed and the place consists of two parts. The entrance to the mill is through the opening in the southwest corner. The sections to the south and north of the grinding area are rectangular in plan. There is a window opening on the west wall of the ground section in the north. There is also a niche on the north wall. It is thought that one of the parts of the grinding room was used as a warehouse and the other as a place where animals bringing materials to the mill were stopped.

There is a water tower in the southeast corner of the grinding room. The interior of the water tower was plastered with a contemporary workmanship. Water is transported to the mill by a water arc with an average length of 25.00 m located to the east of the water tower. Rubble stone, crushed stone and cas mortar were used in the construction of the mill. There is a great deal of destruction in the mill today.