X: 41.278768 Y: 37.801410 Z: 832.14

The rock church is located in the center of Yolveren village, which is within the borders of Batman city center. The village of Yolveren is located 16.50 km southeast of Batman centre.

The church, which was carved into the bedrock, consists of narthex, naos, bema and pastaforium (small rooms with sacred objects on the north and south sides of the apse in churches). The western façade of the church, which was closed with a rubble stone wall in the later periods, has an entrance opening with a rectangular form and stone lintel in the western direction. The naos section extending in the north-south direction shows the feature of a rectangular plan. To the east of the main prayer hall, which does not have an apse niche, there is a bema with oval corners, and a section thought to be a pastoforium cell to the north of the bema. To the north and south of the naos, there are two spaces separated from the naos by round arches. The place in the south has a rectangular plan close to the square. The northern part has a rectangular plan. The arch opening that separates the northern space from the naos has been largely destroyed. There is natural and human destruction throughout the church.